Covid-19 up date
Dear Parents and Dancers,
After long consideration about the current progressing situation of COVID-19 and with the latest government advice, we have made the difficult, but responsible, decision to close all of our classes at Silk Dance with immediate effect. We will follow government guidance of when to re-open but this will most likely be after the Easter Holidays. We have made this decision to protect our dancers and their families, our teachers and their families as well as the wider community.
During our closure, we will be sending out links to fun activities, dance ideas and some short videos for your dancer(s) to work on at home and maybe even some live videos. There will also be opportunity to make up missed classes once we return to our regular schedule. We know this isn’t ideal but the situation calls for us to work in a different way and we hope by sending out lots of extra activities you still feel we are offering value. We have so much in store during this strange and unsettling time and we really appreciate your support.
Dance is such an important part of all our lives and we want to keep inspiring our dancers for many years to come. This closure will be extremely difficult from a business standpoint so as a small business owner, your continued dedication to our mission to provide you/your child with invaluable life skills through dance ensures we can continue to do the work we do. It also enables us to provide our wonderful teachers with normal pay during this time in an effort to support our local community as well as the health and welfare of our team.
We will be collecting direct debits as normal, we are pro rata so classes taken are still to pay for. once we have caught up we will look at a new payment system.
Thank you so much for your understanding, I wish you all good health and we look forward to working with you in a new way online and welcoming you back to normality in the near future.
We will be in touch soon with some activities to keep you/your dancer active and healthy.
Kind Regards,